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Water Supply System from Well

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Water issues:

Remote areas of Sindh, like Badin and others are facing the shortage of water. There are hundreds of villages situated at the tail of Indus and surroundings of Badin having acute shortage of water. These people are suffering from lots of issues concerning about water, some of them are: domestic house hold issues of daily life, poverty increment as no water available for cultivation of land, women hit worse as they have to carry water from very far from their village, sanitation disposal problems, epidemic diseases mainly in women & children etc.

Grass-roots activities for resolving Water issues:

There is a village named Luari Sharif about 11 KM from Badin city having the population of about 10000. The main source of water is a governmental water supply system which has already a shortfall. The alternate system is the near about ponds. These ponds are also the drinking source of different animals therefore, very unsafe for human.

To cope up the above mentioned issues and shortfall of water, we want to utilize a WELL situated in the village. Currently this well is not in use but once villagers were using this well even for their drinking needs. As mentioned in our Layout Plan we will installed a water sucking pump beside Well and pump it to the main area of village. The main pipe line will have four more channels of supplies to utilize this water efficiently. The Water test will be carried out by the Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) Laboratory, running under the Ministry of Science & Technology located in Badin City. Simultaneously, a comprehensive awareness campaign will be launched for villagers to utilize the source of water efficiently. The water will be utilized for their daily house hold use, agricultural point of view and for drinking if laboratory will clear it.

Impact of grass-roots activities:

This water supply system will be un-interrupted and continuous without any shortage. Every villager will get the water according to their need. Villagers will not have to carry water from very far from their houses. The hygienic conditions of village will be enhanced. Spread of Epidemic disease will be controlled. It will give a positive impact on health of women & children. It will help to reduce the poverty level

Direct beneficiaries:

About 2000 persons will be directly benefitted, the ratio will be 40% women, 30% men and 30% children. The indirect figures are higher about 10000 persons as it is the center place of different types of celebrations and activities.

Stakeholder participation:

Community and Villagers with Nishat Welfare Organization


Nishat Welfare Organization (NWO) is a grass root organization which has the basis directly in community. NWO has also its regional office in the area which helps to monitor the sustainability of this project. The training and awareness program will be fruitful in this regard. The maintenance of Well and proper monitoring of the system will be ensured by the NWO regional office.


Cleaning of Well 1 Week from starting date
Installation of Pump and Pipe 3 Days
Water Laboratory Testing 2 Days
Piping System mentioned in Layout Plan 2 Weeks
Awareness Campaign & Training 1 Week